perjantai 23. maaliskuuta 2012

sadza and kapenta

Traditional food in Zimbabwe is sadza which is like white porridge made of corn. We think that it has no taste at all. But the kids seem to really like it. With sadza there is usually served some kind of meat, vegetables or very small fishes which they call kapenta. People use only their hands to eat, no spoons or forks. But we think that eating by hands is quite unhygienic and slow way to eat, so usually we ask them spoons. Dining is important part of the day for children and they spend lot of time to praying before starting to eat and they are not in hurry when it comes to time to eat. People here don't like to eat vegetables without cooking them, they think that it is weird to eat fresh salad like we do.
Children are not used to eat lot of sweets and they are very thankful when they receive for example white bread with peanut butter. Sometimes we give them some candies and they are very happy even to get one lollipop..

sadza with kapenta

1 kommentti:

  1. Hi
    I'm hoping to hear more about your placement, the work you do there.

